Every Day, Every Election, Every U.S. Citizen

US Vote and Overseas Vote are here for you every day as your source of voter services and information. Help us build in a new layer of sustainability, so that we can better serve you.

Every Day, Every Election, Every U.S. Citizen image


raised towards $25,000 goal



We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

US Vote and Overseas Vote are here for you every day as your source of voter services and information. Help us build in a new layer of sustainability, so that we can better serve you.

Sustainability. That is what it takes for US Vote to Serve You.

Sustainability. That is what it takes to make sure U.S. Vote Foundation and our Overseas Vote initiative are here for you as a source of voter services and election information every day, every election, and for every U.S. citizen, no matter where in the world you are today. We live every day to enact our mission: Every Citizen is a Voter.

To build this sustainability - we need you. Your donation will make all the difference

Please support US Vote and Overseas Vote with a donation, today. It will make all the difference!

At US Vote, we have to be “always on” – and that is why a recurring donation will help us the most. It is more sustainable for you – and it creates sustainability for us.

You have seen and continue to see our commitment to bring our mission to life through the development of Civic Tech – which means you can register to vote, request your absentee, vote-by-mail ballot and stay informed – all online, on the US Vote and Overseas Vote websites. But it’s not simple. Election processes and information are very dynamic, changing daily, and need tremendous maintenance.

To provide the level of service you are accustomed to, US Vote and Overseas Vote need donor support. Please make your donation today and put the next election cycle in motion!

We thank you sincerely for your contribution and support.

Kind regards,

From the Team at U.S. Vote Foundation and Overseas Vote